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Artificial Grass Manufacturers Introduce The Cleaning Steps Of Artificial Turf

Artificial turf helps protect valuable natural ecological areas. In temperate climates, artificial turf systems can replace three natural turf areas or help maintain these areas in their pristine state in the ecosystem. Under extreme climatic conditions, this percentage may be higher. Artificial turf does not require mowing, fertilizing, or watering, which is a positive contribution of artificial turf to the protection of the environment and resources. Below, Artificial Grass Manufacturers introduce the cleaning steps of artificial turf:

1. Thorough and continuous monitoring: Continuously check the condition of artificial grass, find damage, pollutants, or sharp harmful objects in time, and make necessary fillings.

2. Quick and professional repairs: Loose seams are especially dangerous to players and require quick turf trimming.

3. Correct synthetic grass care: The rolling behavior of the ball as well as the traction and spin are affected by the state of the grass blades. According to different lawn systems, the ground crew will brush the grass silk every other period.

4. Cleaning with maintenance equipment: Lawn tractors make it easier to regularly clean specific areas of lawn.

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