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How hypoallergenic is decorative artificial grass?

Decorative artificial grass is generally considered to be hypoallergenic, meaning it is less likely to trigger allergies compared to natural grass. However, it's important to note that while artificial grass can help reduce some allergens commonly associated with natural grass, it is not entirely allergen-free and may still pose some minimal risks to certain individuals.
Here's why decorative artificial grass is often considered hypoallergenic:
Pollen-Free: One of the main benefits of artificial grass in terms of allergies is that it doesn't produce pollen. Pollen from natural grass is a common allergen that can cause hay fever symptoms in sensitive individuals. With artificial grass, this source of airborne allergens is eliminated.

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Reduced Mold and Mildew: Artificial grass doesn't retain moisture in the same way that natural grass does, reducing the likelihood of mold and mildew growth. Mold and mildew are known allergens that can thrive in damp environments.
Fewer Insects and Pests: Natural grass can attract insects, such as mosquitoes and ants, which can be allergy triggers for some people. Artificial grass doesn't provide a suitable habitat for these pests, reducing exposure.
Less Irritation: Some individuals may be sensitive to the texture of natural grass or may experience skin irritation from contact with grass blades. Artificial grass typically has a smoother and less abrasive surface.

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